Saturday, June 23, 2012

Mommy and Jack visit DC

Recently, Jack and I had the opportunity to go on a family weekend getaway to DC! We left April  and came back the 23rd.

Let me start by saying I was really sick right up to our trip, and even the first day or so. It wasn't too horrible... Except I had no voice I woke up without a voice that Monday morning, and I don't think I regained full use of my yelling ability until the following Monday. I had to work Monday-Thursday that week so work was interesting since I spend the majority of the day communicating with my team. And when I wasn't straining to talk, I was coughing. I went to the Minute Clinic on Tuesday and scored some anti-biotics just in case it was an infection, and while I am still coughing, I feel much better.

We started our vacation as soon as I got off work Thursday night. My sister picked Jack up from school and we met at Chili's for dinner. I was so tired that when we got home I let Jack watch a quick show and then put him to bed.

We had to leave the house at 5:45 am on Friday for our 7 am flight. Luckily I was able to take the dog to the kennel Thursday before work, and we were all ready to go as soon as we rolled out of bed pretty much. We have an amazing friend and neighbor who takes us to the airport and she actually arrived early to pick us up! Pretty soon we were being dropped of and waltzing through the empty security line!

Now we were flying Frontier this time I am sorry if anyone is a huge Frontier fan, but I am not. Mainly because I LOVE SOUTHWEST! I love the boarding process, I love that they check bags for free, I love that their seats are relatively roomy etc. Frontier charges to check bags (as most airlines do) so we were only ahuling carry ons. I had a new bag I bought for this trip and my Vera Duffel, and they were heavy, especially while trying to keep a hold of Jack. Once we made it through security we got some drinks to go with the donut holes I had picked up for the occasion, and I took Jack to use the bathroom before boarding.

Jack wasn't quite awake yet...

Jack and KK (that's what he calls my sister)

I wasn't really awake yet either

Shortly before boarding they announced that it was a full flight so anyone who wanted to gate check a bag could do so free of charge. Yes please! My sister and I both checked a bag and pretty soon we were boarding! The seats were 2 on either side so it was just me and Jack on one side and my sister was across the aisle.

The flight was short and uneventful. Jack played the Where's my Water game on my Nook after I read a bit. The seats are so close on these planes that when the guy in front of me leaned back he was practically in my lap! I am only 5 feet tall so luckily I don't need a lot of space but geez!

Once we got to the airport we bought our Metro tickets and headed up to catch the train. This was Jack's favorite part I think...

Now, I lived in DC for a few years when I went to college and after. I have ridden the Metro thousands of times tothe exact stop we were going to and STILL I managed to get on the train going the WRONG WAY! How embarressing! I claim lack of sleep as my excuse. The second I got on the train, my phone rang and it was a good friend of mine from college! He still lives in DC and we were hatching plans for meeting up. Then we got on the right train and headed back towards the hotel!

I for some reason have NO pictures of the hotel. I really didn't take a ton of pictures in general though. The creepy thing was this hotel was located literally adjacent to the back of the apartment bulding I used to live in. In fact, from my parents room I could see my old apartment.

The one on the bottem covered partially by the tree, that's mine! In fact my pet fish is buried under that tree! It was a little wierd being so close... We used to have some amazing parties on that patio!

Once we got all checked in and unpacked we met up with my parents. They had checked in the day before. We walked over to Pentagon City and ate lunch at the California Pizza Kitchen there. It was delicious as usual! Then we headed to the metro and into the city to go to Arlington.

My grandfather on my dad’s side is buried at Arlington, which is why we were heading there. He died shortly (like two weeks) before I was pregnant with Jack, and he is who Jack is partially named after. Jack’s real name is John, but like my grandfather he goes by Jack instead. I went with my dad to see him buried in Arlington. I explained to Jack that this was a place that you have to be quiet and you can’t run around and play. He didn’t quite get it, but he was pretty good.

It was a gorgeous day, perfect for being outside. When you enter in the main building there is a place to look up the locations of loved ones.

These are the guidelines they have posted which I think are pretty appropriate.

Just a tip, they don’t actually sell water in the bookstore here, you have to go across to the Women’s memorial for that.

Jack asked if we could take a picture of this statue…

This is the amphitheater. On the other side is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. My grandfather is buried on this side across the street.

They put family members on the back sides of the head stones.

Jack had a hard time understanding that this wasn’t a smiley kind of picture.

Once we had paid our respects, we headed to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. I explained to Jack that all day, every day, a soldier marches on the carpet there.

They were in the middle of switching guards

I have the utmost respect for all soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines, and anyone else who has served, is serving, or supports someone who does. It’s an incredibly hard job and so important. I have many many friends who are in the military or have been. My dad was in the Army for 22 years so we have a million family friends throughout the various branches. I am so glad that there is a place like Arlington where these people can be recognized for their sacrifices.

The grounds at Arlington are beautiful and have fantastic views of the city!

Inside the main building they had this quilt

Once we were done here it was time to head back to the hotel to get cleaned up and ready for our party!

we were having people over for a party in our hotel. We have a TON of friends in the DC area, both from living there and Army contacts that have migrated there after getting out of the service. My best friend Melissa lives there as does my cousin Joey who is an actor with a Shakespeare group there. We wanted to make sure we saw as many people as possible in our short visit so we invited them all over.

I had promised Jack that we could take a quick swim first though so we hit the pool for about 20 minutes and then headed up to the room to shower/change.

It was really nice to see everyone again, and people were in love with Jack, most had never met him before. He was super shy at first but quickly warmed up once someone offered him their iphone to play Angry Birds on. After several hours of catching up we headed down to the restaurant in the hotel for dinner… let’s just say we didn’t make that mistake again… it was less than delicious.

It had been a looooong day so we were ready for bed right after dinner. I will say the bed was the MOST COMFORTABLE BED ever. Now if only Jack would learn how to sleep on his side of the bed!

The next morning we got up and ate breakfast and split up for the day. My sister, Melissa, Jack and I headed to GW (George Washington University) where I went to college. I wanted to hit the bookstore and get a tshirt and look around. There was a lot of “Look Jack, that’s where Mommy used to live” etc. It was kinda surreal.

Eventually we met up with Joey and we all walked over towards the White House.

We had tickets for the White House Garden Tour. The line was loooong but it moved relatively quickly. I will say I didn’t find it thrilling, but getting to wander around right next to the White House was cool! Jack was not intrigued and it took much persuading to get him to stop whining and pose for pictures.

That’s my cousin Joey.

Jack did NOT understand why he couldn’t play!

This is the new National Christmas Tree. I think the old one was damaged in a storm a couple years ago. I’ve been to the lighting ceremony and it is fun. This one isn’t looking so good either though…

Joey left and Jack finally got the ice cream he had been promised… Which he promptly dropped on the ground!

Then it was time for monuments!

My sister, Melissa, and Jack

My sister, me and Jack

In case you were wondering…


I LOVE this memorial. I was living in DC when this was built and I used to go running at Night down by this monument frequently. I know some people get mad that people use the pool to put their feet in, but I am pretty sure I read somewhere it was intended that way. There are no signs or anything saying you shouldn’t, and I wish this had been there when I was younger because kids don’t really get a thrill out of walking miles and miles in the heat, so this helps.

I wouldn’t let Jack splash in it or anything though, it was strictly a feet cooling place!

There was a bridal party getting pictures taken here that day. Jack thought the bride was “beautiful”.

Next up was President Lincoln!

My dad got some more pictures of Jack here but I don’t have those loaded yet…
We met up with my parents here and then headed back to the hotel. My mom was going out with some friends so the rest of us went to happy hour at the hotel and freshened up before heading to dinner at Pentagon Row. This time we went to Tai-phoon which was yummy!
After dinner Melissa and Katie and I hit up a pub I used to go to frequently when I lived there. IT was nice just reminiscing, though it made me feel super old! We were pretty exhausted from all the walking so we hopped the shuttle back to the hotel relatively early.

The next morning was gross and rainy. We got up, ate breakfast and headed to the Smithsonian museums. Our first stop was Air and Space

You can tell how thrilled Jack was about museums in general here. He just doesn’t have a lot of patience yet, and we didn’t have that much time to spend getting him excited about it. I’m hoping in another year or two he might get more into it.

After Air and Space we met up with Joey and headed to Natural History, literally to JUST see the dinosaurs.

It was cold and rainy and yucky and we actually had to hurry and meet up with my parents and sister so Joey could hang with them while Jack and Melissa and I went to see an old friend from college.

And this is where the pictures end for some reason! We visited with my friend for a while. Jack LOVED him and his partner. Both of them are very friendly and great with kids. My friends partner is also into Phineas and Ferb so we all sat around and watched a few episodes and caught up. After a bit we met back up with my parents and cousin for dinner and then headed back for an early night. We took Jack to swim, and Melissa tried her best to teach him, but all he wants to do is jump in. Melissa had to leave to go to work the next day so we ordered room service dessert (which was gross) and then she left. We got all packed and went to bed.

The next morning was CHILLY. Luckily it wasn’t as rainy. We all had some last minute things we wanted to do so we headed into the city and went our separate ways. Jack was intent on getting an Obama bobble head. This kid wanted NOTHING else. Naturally the one at the hotel was like $20 and I really didn’t want to pay that since we had seen it at the street kiosks for around $8. After our third attempt we finally found a kiosk that had one! After we purchased our various souvenirs we headed back to the mall by the hotel and ate in the food court. Shortly after Jack and I met my parents and sister and we headed back to the hotel to catch the shuttle to the airport! At the airport I naturally bought a few more items and then we waited… and waited… I hate getting to the airport early for that reason. Eventually we got on our flight (Frontier) and had the rudest flight attendant ever. But we made it home, safe and sound and ready for our next adventure!

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